The vernissage of the exhibition « Jean-Michel Basquiat Now ! Luxembourg » took place May the 4th at the Zidoun-Bossuyt gallery, which presents a unique exhibition of the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat from May 4th to June 4th 2016. Featuring 20 original works by Jean-Michel Basquiat, most of which are being shown for the first time, this exhibition features a production period of this prolific artists’ career, from his first creations in the early 1980s up to his collaborations with Andy Warhol.
Fine Art Logistics Natural Le Coultre is proud to have been chosen as partner to ensure the art logistics before, during and after the event by the Zidoun-Bossuyt gallery, which runs this unique exhibition of the work of the artist.
The exhibition is held under the high patronage of Mr. Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Ms. Lydie Polfer, Mayor of Luxembourg City.

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